
 ひとことで言うなら「始めるきっかけをつくる人」です。 どんな現場も、そのプロジェクトに最もふさわしい土地と施主との出会いの瞬間があります。それこそが、立ち上がる建築の「構え」を決める。すなわち、デザインの根幹になる。その瞬間は、施主だけでは茫洋としていて掴めないし、設計者だけが土地を見に行ったとしても立ち上がってはこない。土地と施主、その運命的な出会いからしか生まれないものです。この瞬間を見逃さず、立ち会って記録し進行させるのが「構匠」の一番大事な仕事です。

What is an artificer?

Briefly put, it is a person who creates opportunities for starting things.
On any building site, there is a moment when the land and the client come together in the most fitting way for the project in question. This above all determines the style of the buildings to be constructed; it forms the basis of the design. That moment is too limitless to be grasped by the client alone, and it cannot be recognized solely by the designer, even if he or she directly goes to observe the site. It is something that can only come about from the fateful encounter between the land and client. The most important task of the artificer is to witness, record and advance that moment without letting it slip away.
Without this moment, the project cannot begin.
Client here refers to the operator (user) of facilities, landowner, and/or provider of funds. These three parties may be the same person in the case of a house and so on, however, they are usually separate entities in the case of a large project. Concrete design plans should change according to the requests of people of such varied standpoints as a project advances, however, the originally recorded moment must continue to be valued and retained. The artificer is there to ensure that the basis of the design is maintained without fluctuating until the end.



This is the first time I heard this name.
Specifically, what does it entail?

It’s a new word. There have been similar job descriptions, for example, architect, master carpenter, producer and so on, however, the function of the artificer goes beyond these terms.
Specifically, the artificer designs all the objects and activities that are involved in a project. He or she determines the materials and dimensions to be used. Drawings are also used; however, the artificer realizes that these only exist thanks to the craftsmen who work together on the job. The question of with whom work is conducted is very important for creating a high-quality building site.
The job of the artificer is to balance design with artisans and materials in creating a “team” and unifying the building site. The artificer also listens to the requests of family members and company employees who are on the other side of the client and reflects their wishes in the design while acting as a bridge between the building site and client. Rather than simply supervising work to ensure that the building site moves according to the original design, the artificer creates an environment to ensure that all the people involved can exhibit 120% of their capacity in building a world that exceeds the original expectations. In that sense, the artificer is an artisan who supports the “team” and the person who takes overall responsibility until the site is handed over to the client.
This is what I have done until now, but I didn’t know how to define it before. However, it is difficult to share something that doesn’t have a name. It was only after I met the editorial engineer Seigo Matsuoka that I decided to apply this name.
Artificer is the name I arrived at after conducting extensive dialogue.



How did you come to that conclusion?

Since I aspired to becoming an architect, I entered a university that had an architecture department. Over three years, between my fourth undergraduate year and during my two years of graduate school, I had the opportunity every month to observe building sites with the Awaji island plasterer Akira Kusumi, and this let me come into contact with the joy of making real architecture, rather than simply studying it in drawings and theory. I was moved by the indescribable dignity emanated by the finished buildings. Although Mr. Kusumi does not rigidly adhere to any one style, his finished works have a consistent dignity. I was surprised to discover there were people who were endowed with the outstanding physical and intellectual ability to create high-quality settings that far exceeded our expectations, and I fell in love with the building sites that are created with such skilled artisans. It was around this time that I started thinking that, rather than becoming an architect, I wanted to create building sites on which I could share with all persons concerned the joy of creating together with skilled artisans.
That became my starting point and since then I have progressed while groping for my own way. The environment surrounding architecture is now undergoing great change. I really feel that human resources such as artificers are needed to create work settings more than ever. It will take a long time for new terms and new concepts to permeate. It may not even happen in my own lifetime. Even so, I want to spend my life nurturing successors and continuing to create appealing building sites.



What skills does an artificer require?

Surprisingly, there is no need for a prior career. Having a career is good, but that can become a hindrance if it is not cast aside. All that is required is the concentration not to miss key moments, and a desire to work hard.