





 瀬戸内海に面した尾道市瀬戸田町に、2021年3月に開業した旅館「Azumi Setoda」のプロジェクトに設計デザインとして関わりました。「Azumi」は、世界的なホテルリゾート、アマンの創業者である、エイドリアン・ゼッカさんが新しく立ち上げたRYOKAN(旅館)ブランドで、その第1号が「Azumi Setoda」です。瀬戸田町に残っていた旧家を改修することに始まり、新しい宿泊施設や銭湯を町のなかにつくりました。旅行者はもちろんですが、土地の人が客人をもてなす場として活用できるようにと考えました。昔から住んでいる人たちが、この土地でこんな生活ができるのかと新たな発見をして、自慢できる場所になってくれたらと思っています。

What does it mean to build a community?

It’s about considering the landscape of a place. It entails designing the overall town including the relationships between multiple buildings and adjoining sites. Doing this enhances the value of the place. Value has various connotations, for example, there are economic value, historical value, ease of living, ease of working and so on. Building a community involves taking time to think with the local people about what needs to be highlighted and what kind of place they want to create. Naturally, a town belongs to the people who live there. At rokukaku-ya, we help to create opportunities for such community building.

What does it mean to build a community?

There are many places in rural Japan today that are described as marginal settlements, and places where the conventional beauty and ease of living have been lost due to changing lifestyles and values. However, the communities of old were originally built in locations that are conducive to easy living, where the land has extremely high latent capacity. We thought that it would be possible to build a system for once more deciphering and manifesting such potential. Through considering the overall community, it is possible to create and revitalize scope and new connections between people that cannot be realized through individual buildings alone.
Meanwhile, more and more people in cities are thinking about how and where they want to live and work in the future. Such people want to have a rural base while continuing their urban lives, and they want to enrich their lives by having exchanges with local cultures, climates and people while staying in rural areas. We aim to design such communities including the various human relations they encompass. We want people to experience encounters and things they can only experience by going to such places. The work of rokukaku-ya is about creating places that people want to go to for such encounters and experiences.

What kind of communities have you worked on so far?

We were involved in the design work for the ryokan project Azumi Setoda, which was opened in March 2021 in the town of Setoda in Onomichi City facing the Seto Inland Sea. The Azumi brand was newly launched by Mr. Adrian Zecha, who founded Aman Resorts International, and Azumi Setoda is the first ryokan opened under this new brand name. Starting from the renovation of old houses in Setoda, we created a new inn and public bathhouse. We thought that this would provide facilities not only for travelers, but also for local people to utilize for entertaining guests. We hope that the locals will discover new facets to their local lifestyle and feel a renewed sense of pride in their community.
Looking forward, we intend to work on projects of reasonable scale together with people that can share time and values. Since we are building communities, we strive to design and propose places where people can live, work and conduct everyday life. This site introduces communities we have worked on so far and communities we are currently involved with, including plans that are yet to be concretely realized.